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Work-Based Learning

Welcome to the Center for Career Readiness Work-Based Learning page. This page is 专为企业主和雇主设计,帮助您与学生联系 了解我们的工作流程相关的北科罗拉多大学 Learning. Below, you can find a definition of “Work-Based Learning,” common types 以工作为基础的学习,以工作为基础的学习机会如何使你作为雇主受益, 以及如何与我们的学生接触并雇用他们为您的企业提供机会.

我们鼓励您详细阅读此页面并创建您的雇主握手帐户 然后向职业准备中心寻求建立一个以工作为基础的工作 learning opportunity for UNC students. When you are ready to design, advertise, and hire for your opportunity, we are here to help. You can reach us at career.readiness@newyouplus.com.

What is Work-Based Learning?

以工作为基础的学习是一种将学生置于工作环境中的教育方法 that will help them connect academic experiences to real-life work activities and future career opportunities. UNC students pursue many different types of work-based learning experiences which may or may not be a course or graduation requirement. Employers 能否在自己的组织内雇佣学生,或者自愿献出时间和专业知识 to provide work-based learning opportunities to UNC students.


  • Application of classroom learning in real-world setting
  • Establishment of connection between school and work
  • Improvement in critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and logical abilities
  • Expansion of curriculum and learning facilities
  • Meeting the diverse needs of the learner
  • Creating a talented and skilled pool of future employees
  • Reduces pre-service training time and cost
  • Improvement of student awareness of career opportunities
  • Making education relevant and valuable to the social context
  • Community building exercise for productive economy

下面是我们支持的基于工作的学习机会的最常见的例子 our students engaging in:

  • Practicums

    Practicums are a course of study devoted to practical training in the field. This most often occurs in specialized areas of study such as teaching, nursing, etc. Practicums 包括来自指定导师的严格监督和大学之间的协议 and the organizations hosting a student for the practicum.

  • Internships

    实习是一种临时职位,侧重于在职培训 than merely employment. An internship is an opportunity to develop specific job-related skills before the student graduates. Some students choose to pursue internship for 学分,他们在完成一定数量的课程后获得学术或学位学分 of hours in the internship role. There are several UNC programs that require students 完成实习以获得相应的学分要求和雇主参与程度 vary by department. Students may also choose to pursue internships not for credit, in which case the university may or may not be involved with the process.

    Internships have specific rules and guidelines as set by the Fair Labor Standards act. It is important you understand these laws before attempting to recruit interns for your organization.

  • Apprenticeships

    Apprenticeships are similar to internships, but have differences including:

    • 专注于高技能的技术工作,如工程、焊接、砌筑, or carpentry
    • 在招聘时,有意向为公司的特定角色进行培训 them full time at the end of the apprenticeship
    • 具有更严格的结构,包含必须被认为“掌握”的特定技能。 by the apprentice for the apprenticeship to be considered completed
  • Service Learning

    服务学习是社区服务和职业生涯的结合 provide volunteer service focused on their area of study. This may include work with public and non-profit agencies, civic and government offices, etc.

Employer Benefits of Work-Based Learning

  • Find Future Employees & Increase Visibility

    实习和其他以工作为基础的学习机会可以让你直接建立联系 with UNC students interested in working with your organization. Investing your time 在以工作为基础的学习机会有助于创造一个持续的未来全职管道 employees.

     此外,在你的组织工作过的学生经常分享他们的经验 与他们的同龄人,值得信赖的教职员工,社交媒体网站,并通过评论 on your company handshake account.

  • Evaluate Potential & Increase Productivity

    雇佣一名学生作为实习生,或者在其他基于工作的学习中与他们建立联系 机会为你提供了一个评估博天堂官方能力的机会 in your organization as a future full-time employee. With your coaching and training, these students are more prepared and informed to come onto your staff full-time.

    同样,博天堂官方的学生们也很高兴能够发展他们的技能并在课堂上练习 learning in a real-world setting. They are motivated to take on projects, responsibilities, and tasks that help them learn. Their support will help your business reach its goals and free up your team to accomplish other high-level tasks.

  • New Perspectives & Giving Back to Community

    UNC students bring more to the table than just enthusiasm and extra help. Our students are learning about the newest strategies, technologies, and trends in their field of study. Bringing a student onto your team will bring novel perspectives and new ideas. 为了最大限度地提高这一点,学生应该经常参与你的项目头脑风暴 sessions!

    博天堂官方的学生一起工作不仅对你的组织有帮助,而且还能增强当地的影响力 workforce. Thanks in part to the learning opportunities with local organizations, 离开博天堂官方的学生都是技术工人,这对他们未来的雇主都有好处 work for. In return, these students and the larger community will be more motivated to support your organization.

  • Closing Skill Gaps & Fostering Leadership

    每年的年度劳动力报告都表明,雇主希望学生有 excellent soft skills such as communication, leadership, and teamwork. The best way 你可以通过给学生练习的机会来帮助他们发展这些技能 them in a real-world setting. Your work-based learning experiences can help a student 缩小这个技能差距,同时让他们为你所需要的技能做好准备 a future full-time hire.

    作为当前员工的培训、指导和监督学生的工作学习 opportunities, they’ll gain valuable leadership skills. This is a great way to develop 当前的员工技能,为将来的管理职位做准备,如主管 一小群学生是监督整个团队的垫脚石.

  • Improve Work Environment & Increase Retension

    Taking on students for work-based learning opportunities allows your team to have 一个较轻的工作量,培养他们的领导能力,并作为一个机会 to work on creative or advanced projects. Further, interns are often excited, motivated, and ready to learn. All these things can improve the overall work environment.

    研究表明,在被正式聘用之前在公司实习的学生 一年后仍在同一家公司工作的可能性是否比去年高出近30% to traditional full-time hires. This means your hires from work-based learning opportunities 不仅训练有素更适合全职工作,而且更有可能 to stay with the company than a traditional hire.

Ready to Engage

我们很高兴你准备好与博天堂官方的学生交流并继续讨论 on how work-based learning opportunities can benefit your business. Here are just 除了传统的招聘之外,还有很多方法可以让你与博天堂官方的学生接触 internships and jobs.

  • Job Shadowing

    工作见习是一种流行的在职学习、职业发展和领导方式 development intervention. This experience involves matching a student with an employee 从你的公司谁可以帮助学生学习新的方面有关的工作 组织,并亲眼看到学生可以期望从工作中得到什么 role.

  • Informational Interviews

    信息性面试是学生和某人之间的非正式谈话 working in a related field of study who will provide the student with information and advice. It is not a job interview, and the objective is not to find job openings.

  • Career-Related Competitions

    有兴趣举办职业相关比赛的雇主可以做广告 them at any time through Handshake. If your competition is free for students to participate, we are often willing to advertise them on campus. We do not advertise career-related competitions in which students must pay to participate.

  • Additional Opportunties

    雇主与学生接触的一些额外机会可能会通过 参加简历审查或模拟面试,参观公司,举办 virtual presentations on Handshake, or attending our jobs fairs.

Ready to Hire

我们很高兴你们准备雇佣北卡大学的熊学生来实习,工作, and other work-based learning opportunities. Below are options for facilitating the recruiting and hiring processes for our students.

  • Handshake

    博天堂官方的学生和校友建立联系的最好方式是握手 account and request to connect with UNC.  Handshake is our online career platform 我们在哪里鼓励雇主发布他们的工作/实习,举办活动,参与 in interviewing, and register for our fairs. 

  • On-Campus Interviews

    如果你有机会,你打算聘请博天堂官方的学生,并愿意主持 on-campus interviews, please reach out to career.readiness@newyouplus.com.

  • Fairs and Events

    北科罗拉多大学每年都会举办各种博览会和活动 year. These opportunities are an ideal way for employers to connect with many students 同时分享公司信息,招聘机会的细节,以及 create a pipeline of future employees.