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Preparing students to graduate career ready is an important part of UNC's commitment to being a students-first university. 当我们把学生放在第一位的时候,我们的毕业生会有很好的职业生涯 就业率,增强的社会流动性,以及积极的职业发展轨迹.

Because UNC alumni graduate career-ready, they remain committed to supporting a high 优质的在校学生体验. 他们帮助招募未来的熊,在校园做志愿者, provide career and industry insight, open doors of opportunity in their places of 工作,并慷慨资助学生奖学金.

In order to aid academic and student support programs in effectively working with alumni, 大学先进会的校友关系团队 is strategically organized to communicate, engage and build the capacity of thousands 活着的校友 UNC Bear Network. 让我们帮你把这个网络运作起来.



Working on behalf of all university programs and offices, University Advancement is responsible for managing alumni communication and associated data including contact information and communication preferences using a constituent relationship management (CRM)工具和协调校友沟通日历. 中央协调使 UNC to be thoughtful regarding the time and method of communication, especially when alumni maintain interest and relationships with multiple areas of the university. Coordination also ensures that outbound communication is linked to accurate, up-to-date 数据和反映了校友的偏好和隐私要求.


Typically most university programs and offices prefer to communicate with alumni via email although other options of communication and outreach may be available depending 博天堂官方网站请求的需要和目的. 大学进步使用Blackbaud NetCommunity to communicate electronically with alumni and external constituents rather than Emma or Slate, because the later systems are not integrated with UNC's alumni and donor 数据库募捐者的边缘NXT.

Request Communication

致电351-2551或电邮校友关系 alumni@newyouplus.com at least six weeks prior 发送所需的电子邮件. Include:

  • 请求通信的目的(例如:更新、活动邀请)
  • Summary of population you wish to reach (example: email all HSS undergraduate alumni)
  • 期望配送日期

Please factor in additional time if your request is connected to an event or marketing project.

Review and Approve

A member of the team will reach out to confirm your needs and scope of request.

If your message is approved, it will be scheduled in the central communication calendar. You will receive confirmation of the distribution date and alumni population segment.

The content of your message will be reviewed for brand consistency and if you requested 一封电子邮件,您将收到一份数字设计的草案,以供审查和批准.

Returns and Reports

Alumni email bounce backs and returned mail are funneled to Advancement Operations 追踪及更新校友资料及通讯偏好.

Additionally, open, click-thru and transactions rates are tracked back to individual alumni, enabling UNC to better understand and honor alumni interests and preferences. 你可以为你的项目要求一份沟通后报告.

All requests for alumni communication must be associated with a legitimate university 商业目的和推进机构优先. 而有些请求为单机 alumni communication may not be approved, alumni relations staff will work with the requester to identify and or leverage other communication channels where appropriate. This may include content inclusion in the alumni newsletter UNC Monthly, promotion on Alumni Social Media, or promotion through 校友及大学校历.


Alumni Volunteers

校友关系建立和管理校友志愿者的强大网络. We are 我是来帮你建立关系网的. 校友们经常自愿做课堂演讲嘉宾, career advisors, admissions ambassadors, event support and several other activities.

To recruit alumni for your opportunity, please send volunteer activity details to alumni@newyouplus.com with subject line "请求:校友义工支持". 请附上下列资料,以便工作人员跟进. 

  • 机会标题/主题和联系点
  • 日期/时间/持续时间(一次vs. long term commitment)
  • 格式和/或活动细节,包括任何信息链接

Engagement Ideas: Alumni relations staff are always looking for meaningful alumni engagement opportunities. If you have an idea or potential opportunity, feel free to email the office and schedule 初步谈话.

Thanking Volunteers: 

校友们慷慨地志愿支持多种校园事业. Help UNC thank them for their service. 校友关系部将提供一份感谢礼物和卡片 可以送给与你一起工作的志愿者吗.

Email alumni@newyouplus.com 主题是"校友义工表彰" to let us know that alumni are volunteering and we will follow up with recognition 以及管理机会.


Alumni Visitors

Visiting alumni are a high priority and our goal is to help you provide a meaningful 参观体验——无论是面对面的还是虚拟的. 帮助我们欢迎校友回国 你的班级、俱乐部或办公室的客人.


联络校友关系部,电话:351-2551 alumni@newyouplus.com 以下诊前服务及支援:

  • 确认校友姓名、年级、学术和专业信息
  • 免费停车证
  • 赠送感谢礼物
  • 宣传访问(适当时)
  • 组织一次校园游览
  • 在卡特大厅提供会议地点和接待服务

Your Role as Host

You serve an important role as the host and University Advancement campus partner.

  • 请提前通知我们有关校友来访事宜
  • 在广告和宣传材料中包括校友年
  • Send collected information, including participation details updated contact information, 目前就业情况等. to alumni@newyouplus.com
  • Send the alumni office copies of photos or content from the visit to add to alumni records
  • 亲自感谢校友们的参与和参观

Alumni Events

Alumni relations is responsible for creating and implementing the university's alumni engagement strategy and associated engagement efforts for colleges and programs. This 可能包括每年的 荣誉校友典礼, virtual Alumni Career Panel 系列,以及全年的许多其他活动.

如果你有一个单位级别的校友活动的想法,请联系 alumni@newyouplus.com 目标事件前一个学期的数据. 工作人员会审核您的请求 its alignment with university priorities, existing engagement efforts, and unique 有机会有意义地吸引校友支持博天堂官方.

主动支持,请发电子邮件 alumni@newyouplus.com 加上主题行"校友活动合作." If you have a list of alumni that you would like included, please add that to your message. 活动结束后,请将最终参会名单寄回 to alumni@newyouplus.com. We will update alumni constituent records, which is useful for your future events 以及该大学的校友参与和管理优先事项.  



Accurate alumni records are important for many of UNC's operational priorities. University Advancement is responsible for the management and stewardship of alumni data and relies on a variety of data acquisition, health and management practices to ensure alumni data is available and useful for purposes ranging from accreditation to fundraising. Campus partners serve an important role too by sharing updated information for inclusion 在大学的校友数据库中.

The result: Strong alumni relations provide authentic learning experiences and reciprocal 伙伴关系和合作. 博天堂官方为大学的参与度设定了标准 丰富了那些在校园里的生活,整个科罗拉多州,和超越.


All alumni contact information collected by a department, sports team, student club, Greek group, etc.,应该定期发送电子邮件 alumni@newyouplus.com 用于处理主题为"校友资料更新".  

Individual update form: If you communicate to alumni throughout the year, remember to incorporate the self-service 校友资料更新表格.

How to Request Data: 

If you need alumni data for program, accreditation or other university business purposes, please submit a Data Request form to Advancement Operations a minimum 10 business days prior to need. Data Request Form

Career Data: University Advancement manages alumni career data on behalf of all programs and offices. 此外,职业数据可以通过校友就业仪表板查看. View the dashboard.